Hello all, I've got one more question!I am using 1.10.4 on a 2016 server with IIS10 and PHP 5.6. I currently have the LDAP plugin correctly functioning on my install.But my problem is now with the Http Pass Thru Plugin. Under 1.10.1 we are able to have the osTicket scp and client page automatically log in with our AD credentials.However, with 1.10.4, I cannot get agents to automatically log in.So to say it again.. client http pass thru is currently working with the plugin, however agent pass thru is not.What things do I need to look out for when troubleshooting this? I can't figure out what I am missing. I've had this working on prior versions. Any help is super appreciated!

Well your further along than me.  I fought with this a while back and never got it working right and gave up.

Well, I've got it working again, and I'd love to let you know what I did to fix it.But unfortunately I have no idea... how about a couple tips though!Make sure you have the Windows authentication IIS feature installedTurn on Windows authentication in IISDisable Anonymous authenticationMake sure that agents authenticate via LDAP in osTicket. (for some reason "any available back-end" doesn't work... at least for me.)Make sure the plugin is enabled... this one gets me every time.When creating an agent, skip down to the username box, start typing the AD username then select for the list of available usernames. This will ensure that you have the proper link to AD.Make sure your osTicket URL is in your Trusted sites list within IE.Also... this only seems to work for me within IE and in Chrome.. so if your using another browser, try a different one and see what happens.I will add more details as they come to me should anyone else run into this issue.

    7 months later

    ScoFlo I am trying to get this figured out and not seeming to get anywhere. osTicket v1.11, IIS on Server 2019, PHP 7.3, LDAP plugin working fine, IIS has windows auth enabled and anon disabled on the site in question, the site url is in intranet sites. Still, if I go to serverurl/scp it just brings up the login page.

    osTicekt does not support PHP 7.3 at this time.

    so you're saying it might just be that? ok. i can bounce back to a previous version. I took the FAQ that said "PHP Version 5.6+" to mean anything newer than v5.6. What version do we know works for sure?

    on 7.2 now. no change. maybe i'm just missing a step somewhere. it would be nice if there was a straightforward step-by-step for this.

    There are a couple old threads here on the forums that discuss setting it up. That being said I had issue getting both users and agents working under IIS. The people who posted success were all on apache.

    translation: when you get tired of fighting just go to apache. gotcha.

    I so wish i had that option.

    6 days later

    I currently have passthru working for both Users and Agents
    Server 2016

    Do you have the site listed as a trusted site?
    IE->Internet Options->Security->Trusted Sites->Sites->Add

    I have not taken the PHP plunge yet. I'm still on 5.6

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