I am using 1.10.4 on a 2016 server with IIS10. I followed all of the setup instructions and am able to have the LDAP plugin bind to my server. Under 1.10.1 we are able to have the OSTicket server look up the user information out of Active Directory as they typed in their email address on a new ticket.What things do I need to look out for when setting this up? Like I said, I have a successful bind to the LDAP and Active Directory servers. Is there a setting in IIS that I need to worry about? Is there a PHP setting that I have missed? 

on your LDAP plugin you need to set Search Base something like this:DC=PreFix,DC=DomainName,DC=com or org etc..You can also, add OU like here Sales make sure the have Comma between it ou=sales,

I have a single label domain, so I entered the following into search baseDC=DOMAINNAMEThis is exactly how I have it set up in 1.10.1 and its working perfectly.for some reason its not working in 1.10.4

maybe permission or something changed for your AD

On a whim, I copied ajax.users.php from my 1.10.1 installation and pasted into my 1.10.4 installation.This fixed the issue. So it seems to be something within this file.

That's great to hear, It's working for youYou can compare both of those ajax.users.php files to see what's the differences between it

Pleas see:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/pull/3456there is a second fix in the commends for LDAP/AD search.

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