I'm hosted with GoDaddy and I've tried to get cron jobs running on there. I'm not sure if I just missed something or have something setup wrong however I need some help if anyone has done this on GoDaddy hosting alreadyPHP 5.5SMTP (PHPmail is also an option)POPProblem exists on Client and Operator sideCouldn't tell you other than linuxI can also say I'm a little of a noob when it comes to backend stuff. I'm more than happy to go get more information, however I may need some direction on where to find it.

Also should add that if I set OSTicket to "Auto-cron" then it all works great! I can receive via replies. As well if i reply inside OSTicket it will send that out to the respective recipients; both the agent, and client. It just won't update the ticket when i reply via email to anything sent either on the agent side or client side, without "Auto-Cron" enabled. GoDaddy's help said that PHP5.5 was in this location, it was at /usr/local/bin/php when I was on PHP5.4. Both locations didn't work.my cron current job command is "/usr/bin/php /home/*WebUser*/public_html/Tickets/api/cron.php"For those that know about GoDaddy's cron jobs page... it allows you to enter the time in drop down menu's and then give the command which will run at the time you selected

Which version of osTickets are you using? Did you upgrade it or fresh installed and not working?

Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.Environment details?Version of osTicket?

Saying "As stated previously it's a linux server." is like saying "It's a car".  You could be talking about a Tesla Model X, or you could be talking about a VW Bug. The details about those cars are vastly different under the hood.  Saying it's a linux server does not tell us "Whats under the hood" of your environment.  So I'm going to repeat what I said before.Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.Environment details?

What environment details would you like, or is the image I just added sufficient?

also noticed that even with Auto-cron dissabled but having fetching enabled it will also pull replies in when an agent is logged in, but not when everyone is logged off.

Your details look okay.  My largest two concerns are 1. Installotron and 2. your paths.Ignoring that you used a third party installer to install an out dated version, please consult GoDaddy documentation for finding your absolute path.I dug up this that might help: https://www.godaddy.com/help/find-your-absolute-path-58SFTP or SSH into your site and make sure that the osticketRootfolder/api/cron.php file exists.  If it doesn't that would be a problem and you should probably do the installation yourself by downloading the archive from the official site.Lastly make sure that you are calling the right version of php with your cron.  Most goDaddy shared hosting has multiple versions installed, and calling php by using /usr/bin/php might not be the same version of PHP that the web site uses.  You might need to call /usr/bin/php5 or something else.

I'm positive that when installing it gave me the option to install the latest version and at the time it was 1.10.1 which is also listed as the latest version from forum headings? I'm just a little confused by that statement.The cron file is absolutely present, and is accessible, just checked again to make sure.so it looks like it might be an issue with calling php.... I'll see if GoDaddy support can shed any light on correct pathing I should be using.GoDaddy help topics are notoriously wrong and out of date. The instructions they provided in the link you offered don't work as the layout has changed since that topic was written.Thank you for your help, please leave this open as I may need to ask you for further assistance on this matter.Have a great day!

"I'm positive that when installing it gave me the option to install the latest version and at the time it was 1.10.1 which is also listed as the latest version from forum headings? I'm just a little confused by that statement."The most recent version is 1.10.4. I'm not sure what you are talking about regarding forum headings?"The cron file is absolutely present, and is accessible, just checked again to make sure."excellent.So then it could be either the path to php calling the wrong version of PHP-or-your absolute path to /api/cron.php.We await hearing how you make out on this.

After reviewing OST main site I see that my version is a previous version.I'll keep you guys posted on any success I can achieve with GoDaddy and the cron jobI am correct however that OST is supposed to be able to handle replies without agents logged in right?!

something else just dawned on me... I don't have to edit the cron.php file in the OST api directory do I? As I understood it it was a pre-baked file that I just had to create a cron job for... is that correct?

Apologies for the reply blast but I've enabled email for the outcome of cron jobs to see if that helps provide information and it seems to be replying with X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.38Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Is this an expected result?

"I am correct however that OST is supposed to be able to handle replies without agents logged in right?"osTicket handles replies from the User.Agent email replies are not sent to the User, they are posted as internal notes."I don't have to edit the cron.php file in the OST api directory do I?"The answer to this is depends.  If the cron utility that you are using runs the file natively on the same file system as everything else is running on then no.If the cron is based on another server and making a web call to the file then most likely yes.  You should also be using rcron.php instead if that is the case."Is this an expected result?"Running cron.php has no output.  Assuming things are configured properly then: Emails would be fetched; Tickets/Tasks would be updated, etc.

alright looks like I've got it working. It was related to the location of PHP which they were able to help me out with.Wondering now if there is a way to allow the agent to respond to client ticket responses via email?(Or is this something I should open a new topic for?)So when I get the "New Message Alert" I'm wondering if there is a way for me to send a reply to that via email.

Q: "Wondering now if there is a way to allow the agent to respond to client ticket responses via email?"A: This is not a feature in osTicket at this time.  It's been requested though.  There are also a number of posts here on the forums for making older versions do this by default.  If you know PHP at all you might be able to translate one of the older version "Fixes" to the version that you are running.

Great, thank you!Really appreciate the help from you. Thanks again for all the answers you provided and putting up with my "Noob-esc" nature on this topic. You can close this topic as it's been resolved.

You are very welcome.  :)Please feel free to start a new thread if you have another question, comment, feedback, etc.

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