osticket v1.10.4Hy,I have a problem in tickets list, in "open ticket". I have like choice :"récemment mis à jour""récemment mis à jour""récemment mis à jour""date d'échéance""date d'échéance"And each choice gives different result...

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Version PHP

5.4.16Version de MySQL

5.5.56Logiciel serveur Web

Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) PHP/5.4.16https://ibb.co/ga0ZwU

@[deleted]I cannot replicate this using `1.10.4`.Are you receiving any errors via Apache, PHP, MySQL, or osTicket?Cheers.

ok, I see in english if it's the same thing and...It's a bad traduction, in english, there are others things writed.But, in french, there is for example the choice "ticket fermé" = "closed" --> not in english, so french version is wrong !! I understand !

See here screenshot with tickets with different statuses (closed, opened) :https://ibb.co/khewhe

oups, do not see last answer... I was wrong... bad discussion...

I want to modify fr.phar, but we can't  modify a .phar by editing directly, soI solve problem by doing :- Download tools named "empir" on server php by example in /root- put fr.phar for example in a directory named /phar in /root : /root/phar- extract .phar by : php empir extract phar/fr.phar- Edit file what you want to modify with notepadd++ !! don't touch to encodage- rebuild phar by : php empir make fr.phar MANIFEST.php phar/- copy .phar in osticket AND give good own (not root but apache !)- it's ok !!!

As a side note you didn't have to download anything additional to do this. You could have also just used the built in PHP phar commands to unphar and rephar the phar. (wow that sounds redundant).

Very welcome.  Should I mark this as resolved and close it?

but note that french traduction is wrong for this 3 ou 4 choices that I had to modify

You can make translation suggestions over at the translation project site:http://i18n.osticket.com/

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