version 1.10.4Settings:blankYields with nanoseconds:blankORSettings:blankYields blank date & time:blankblankI just want the time and date to show: MM/DD/yy hh am/pmHow to fix?

Your post is pretty much unreadable.Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.

it happened to me with a local version of osTicket 1.10.1 it shows like this now7/31/2018 3 PMBefore it was just: 7/31/2018 3 PMIf I set to Advance it shows blankI tried to find out what caused it, but can't. Default Time Zone: America/New_YorkDate and Time Format: Locale DefaultsI tested with Advance optionUnder Date and Time Format: AdvanceTime Format: hh aDate Format: MM/dd/yDate and Time Format: MM/dd/y h aDay, Date and Time Format: EEE,MMM d y h a

I had screenshots but the URL didn't work I will deal with it later. I flagged this message for deletion for the moderator

Go to Admin panel -> Settings ->System.Change "Date and Time Format" to "Locale Defaults".See if it starts working please.

Nope, I tried that tooif Selected Advance then it's blank

maybe something to do with PHP version?  It was working fine until I had backup live system and restored to localLive Server Information:osTicket Version v1.10.1 (9ae093d) —  Up to dateWeb Server Software ApacheMySQL Version 5.7.23PHP Version 7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1Local Server Information:osTicket Version v1.10.1 (9ae093d) —  Up to dateWeb Server Software Apache/2.4.29 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2l PHP/7.1.11MySQL Version 10.1.28PHP Version 7.1.11

7 days later

@[deleted]Your issue is most likely due to PHP 7.x+. Please downgrade to PHP 5.6.x and retest.Cheers.

It was working fine with that version of PHP, until I did restore the live database to local

downgraded from 7.1.11 to  7.0.31, still, same shows  3 PMTried to downgrade to 5.6.37now can't start the Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.4 PM  This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 4 PM  improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.4 PM  Press the Logs button to view error logs and check4 PM  the Windows Event Viewer for more clues4 PM  If you need more help, copy and post this4 PM  entire log window on the forums

5 days later

any other options to see why??I reverted back the PHP version to 7.0.31 and I just tried the 1.11.0-rc1 version of osTicket and it still has same Time 8/15/2018 3 PMosTicket Version v1.11.0-rc1 (e321982) —  Up to dateWeb Server Software Apache/2.4.29 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2l PHP/7.0.31MySQL Version 10.1.28PHP Version 7.0.31Thanks

2 months later

@[deleted]@[deleted]Solution to this was: intl extension was not enabled in the PHPintl Highly recommended for non western european language contentSearch ";extension=php_intl.dll" in php.ini file

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