My tickets are marked as due before the due date takes effect. Could you tell me what might cause this problem?blank(This ticket was marked as due on July 16 and the due date is July 17)System info.blank

Sounds to me like you have a timezone setting problem.  You should check your server timezone, php timezone, mysql timezone settings to ensure that they are accurate.You also are not using the intl PHP extension and using another language.

I checked the time zones and they really were not correct. I made the changes and it looks like the problem is solved. I will do some more tests.Thanks for reply.

7 days later

Even with the correct timezones I still have the same problem. @[deleted]Could you tell me how osTicket marks the tickets as overdue? I tried to find this process in the source code but I did not quite understand how it works.

Using the tickets created date, the system checks if the time exceed the SLA on the ticket.  If it is it marks it overdue.  If you change timzones etc it will not mark a ticket as not over due.  Once over due, it is over due.

@[deleted]First of all, thank you for your attention. You're helping me a lot with these osTicket issues.And exactly where in the source code this check between the creation date and the SLA occurs. I'm new to PHP and I can not seem to find this part in the code.

You're very welcome.Sorry but I do not know the answer to that question.  I've never looked for that.  Maybe check /class.sla.php for function names and that will clue you in where the rest is?

@[deleted]Here is where cron checks for overdue tickets: is what the checkOverdue() function looks like: it calls markOverdue() if ticket is indeed overdue: hope this helps! Cheers.

@[deleted]That's exactly what I was looking for. Now I can understand how this part of the system works and I can test some options to correct my problem. 

@[deleted] @[deleted]Again thank you very much for the help!!!

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