I think I saw this one time in another situation, and someone told me it was an AJAX issue.PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'TransferForm: Unknown template style ' in /var/www/osticket/upload/include/class.forms.php\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/osticket/upload/include/staff/templates/transfer.tmpl.php(43): TransferForm->render(Array)\n#1 /var/www/osticket/upload/include/ajax.tickets.php(795): include('/var/www/ostick...')\n#2 : TicketsAjaxAPI->massProcess('transfer')\n#3 /var/www/osticket/upload/include/class.dispatcher.php(145): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\n#4 /var/www/osticket/upload/include/class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch('mass/transfer', Array)\n#5 /var/www/osticket/upload/include/class.dispatcher.php(120): Dispatcher->resolve('mass/transfer', Array)\n#6 /var/www/osticket/upload/include/class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch('/tickets/mass/t...', NULL)\n#7 /var/www/osticket/upload/scp/ajax.php(262): Dispatcher->resolve('/tickets/mass/t...')\n#8 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/osticket/upload/include/class.forms.php on line 4470, referer: http://osticket.mydomain.com/scp/tickets.php?status=assignedAnyone encounter this ever?

White boxes of death are usually failed AJAX requests.Is this while transferring one ticket?  Or multiple?

This is occurring when trying to transfer just one ticket. I tried from within the ticket itself, then I went out to the main tickets page, tried selecting the 1 ticket and transferring it and received the same error.

Can you post your server environment details from Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information?I'll ping a dev to take a look at this also.

@[deleted]This is a PHP 7+ issue. Either downgrade to PHP v5.6.x or try adding the below code to `include/class.forms.php#L4465`:case 'simple':case '':Cheers.

Thats weird, I'm running PHP 5.6, see picture below.But I do believe that PHPMyAdmin auto installed some PHP7 on my server as well.Is there a way to force osTicket to only utilize PHP 5.6/5.7?But I will attempt your modification and get back to you @[deleted] Thanks!

@[deleted]Thanks man, perfect!I simply removed 'simple' from the code and left the quotations open as you suggested and the transfer form appears now and functions perfectly.Appreciate you guys for such quick replies.You may marked this resolved; although I'm curious why osTicket says its utilizing PHP 5.6 but encountering these issues you say are solely PHP 7 problems? 

@[deleted]> I simply removed 'simple' from the code and left the quotations open as you suggested and the transfer form appears now and functions perfectly.I would add the `case 'simple':` line back above the new `case '':` line (basically have both lines one after the other). This is so either of the cases will work with the template. :)> although I'm curious why osTicket says its utilizing PHP 5.6 but encountering these issues you say are solely PHP 7 problems? I'm not entirely sure why your are getting those errors using PHP 5.6. I cannot replicate these errors so I assumed it was PHP 7 issues (it might not be). You are mass transferring tickets to another Department, right?Cheers.

Not mass transferring, it was just one ticket. I'll add the extra line to the code as well. Thank you.

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