@[deleted]Well maybe you can decode them upon pulling them from the DB. Look at the below chunk of code that gets the form entry values and decodes them to UTF8 which is what the DB encoding is:```DELIMITER //CREATE FUNCTION STRINGDECODE(str TEXT CHARSET utf8)RETURNS text CHARSET utf8 DETERMINISTICBEGINdeclare pos int;declare escape char(6) charset utf8;declare unescape char(3) charset utf8;set pos = locate('\\u', str);while pos > 0 do set escape = substring(str, pos, 6); set unescape = char(conv(substring(escape,3),16,10) using ucs2); set str = replace(str, escape, unescape); set pos = locate('\\u', str, pos+1);end while;return str;END//DELIMITER ;SELECT STRINGDECODE(value) AS 'value' FROM `ost_form_entry_values`;```Instead of getting `{"16":"\u0395\u03c1\u03ce\u03c4\u03b7\u03bc\u03b1"}` I get `{"16":"Ερώτημα"}`.I hope this helps! Cheers.