Hi,osTicket Version v1.10.1 (9ae093d)Web Server Software ApacheMySQL Version 5.5.59PHP Version 5.6.35I noticed that the system generated links in emails are wrong and have a partially prefix, e.g. the link looks like this in a user email (non working sample!)https:/www.green-it-software.com/osticket/view.php?auth=o1xaiaaaag5aeaaaIbut the created link ishttps://www.green-it-software.com/osticket/scp/https:/www.green-it-software.com/osticket/view.php?auth=o1xaiaaaag5aeaaaIThere is a prefix https://www.green-it-software.com/osticket/scp in front of each link.I already verified the settings and everything looks as it should be. The default email templates have not been modified manually. This behavior may exist since the upgrade from 1.9.15 to 1.10.What can I do?Thanks for any hintsMartin

You can edit an email template then choose "cancel changes" so you don't change anything,Whilst in edit mode, switch to html source view and look for the variables and anything around them.For example for Response/Reply template you might find a part of the html towards the end is something like:href="%%7Brecipient.ticket_link%7D"   - This corresponds to the variable: %{recipient.ticket_link}

Thanks, the template has the correct link %{recipient.ticket_link} but this still expands to the wrong prefixed link above.

What is your setting for "Helpdesk URL" ?  You can find this from Admin -> System Settings.I'm betting it is missing a / , as you can see this missing in this part: "https:/www.green..." of your incorrect link.I've tested this out and confirm I see a similar problem when this setting is misconfigured.

Thanks for the hint.No, there was no slash missing (sse attached screen shot).Any other ideas?


Mine has the slash, and it works fine.For yours, it would be: https://www.green-it-software.com/osticket/Note the final slash.

Thanks, I already tried with a final slash, but the issue persists. User pcjkollmorgen noticed the missing slash here (red):https://www.green-it-software.com/osticket/scp/https:/www.green-it-software.com/osticket/view.php?auth=o1xaiaaaag5aeaaaII also had a look at the db, contains the correct value.What else can I do?

I'm out of ideas at this point, I'm able to replicate the problem exactly too when I remove that second slash in the https:/www likely you have highlighted in red from the setting I mentioned.I'd keep messing with it, see if you can make it change to some other value, see what happens in the database etc like you mentioned.I have mailhog (https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog) running for testing emails. It is pretty easy, you can run it manually and just reconfigure your smtp settings to send to it then browse the captured emails from a webpage.

a year later

I have this same issue. I tested, and found that the site URL/scp is prefixed.
The link is correctly written on the email sent, but the hyperlink of the text prefixes the https:/xxx.com/scp

Any hint on where to fix this?

Any solution found by yourself @tinus ??


3 months later

Hi Suku,

no I found no solution to this issue. It's still open in 1.12.


8 months later

Hey @tinus & @sukupandachu have you managed in the end?

I am facing the same issue, the URL hyperlink gets prefixed... When I don't make it as a hyperlink then I get the correct URL in the email but not clickable..

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