Hello,I've just installed osticket on ubuntu 16.04 with mysql & nginx but whenever I have a pop-up, it doesn't show any text but is blank like this:(example = add user)blankOn debug console on chrome I get a 400 error:blankHere are the nginx logs:access.logblankerror.logblankHere is the information dashboard:blankHow can I solve this problem please?kind regards,wouter

I would start with using a osTicket supported webserver (apache or IIS).If you want to use nginx you can, but we do not support it, and there are a number of threads on github about setting up nginx to get it to work.  It does not however work out of the box.

ok thanks for your input. I've followed this guide  mentioning nginx as webserver.So is there anything special I should add in the virtualhost of apache? kr,wouter

I haven't had to add anything special on the linux Apache installs that I've setup. :)

You're right, with apache it works as a breeze :-)!I'll note the steps that I've followed in order to migrate from nginx -> apachesudo apt-get purge nginx*to remove nginx components + settingssudo apt-get install apache2 to install apachesudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/osticket.confto create a conf file for osticket with following content:<VirtualHost *>        ServerName <ip-address of server>        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/osticket/upload        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined</VirtualHost>... so nothing special indeed sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf && sudo a2ensite osticket.confto enable the osticket site & disable default virtualhost file (not sure whether necessary..)sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php7.0 to get php7.0 working on apache2sudo service apache2 startfinally start apache2 and check wether site is available on ip adressThanks for your support! Now I can start digging into osticket itself :-)

You're very welcome. I'll mark this as resolved and close it but please feel free to start a new thread if you have another question.

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