Hi,I keep getting this error after every few days. API Error (401)Warning Thu, Mar 22 2018 3 PM172.**.134.***API Error (401) Warning Thu, Mar 22 2018 3 PM172.**.134.***IP address accepted by the API key is this IP address (in the last column), which keeps on changing after few days. Need to understand from where is this IP coming from ??-----OSTicket : 1.10Server : CentosMySQL Version10.1.24PHP Version7.0.18

Q: Need to understand from where is this IP coming from ??A: Ummm your server IP address is changing every few days?  Or the IP of the site that your using with the API?You didn't include IP addresses or anything regarding how your using the API in your post so I really have no idea what you mean.

My server IP is static. But the API IP address ( taken from log ) is to be used while generating API key, & is different from my server IP. Server IP never works.

You haven't really improved upon the lack of information in this thread.

Ok I'll try again.My dedicated server IP is 20*.***.1**.2**But the IP to be used in API tickets is different from this one. I've to take this IP from system log as shown above. And this IP keeps on changing from time to time. So, i need to understand from where is this IP captured in System logs.

Ask your hosting provider?Did you change providers? (Or hosts and leave a cron running?)Did you setup a service like easycron?This doesn't appear to be related to osTicket at all.

thanks, was using cloudflare & mod_cloudflare was not installed, hece, correct ip's are not captured.Rectified.

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