As the current API supports only 'Creation' and that too with limited scope, I am currently trying to write my own sql queries for creating/replying to tickets using JSP. I just wanted help in understanding what all tables gets updated and in what order while replying/creation of ticket.Was not able to find any appropriate documentation for the same

Sort of depends on what your replying with.ost_ticketwith the update time, and status change, assignment changes, etc.ost_ticket_threadfor "text" or "html" replies.ost_attachmentost_file_chunk for attachmentsIf your updating any field values you can add another two tables which I think are:ost_form_fieldand ost_form_field_values.Note this is off the top of my head with out access to my DB atm.  So name might not be quite accurate.  You would need to look and see.Also updating the db directly would not trigger any alerts or notices.

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