Hi, i'm running v1.9.5.1 and i'm have some trouble with the file upload from customer side.It happen only on firefox, it seems to work correctly, no error on front end it even show the preview, but when you submit the ticket the image is no more there, without show any error, even on php logs.If the image is attached to a ticket reply it work fine.has anyone experienced this? any idea where i can check why the image is not attached?Thanks Nicola

looks like is a language related error.in version there wasn't full language support, so i had to do it on my own. I have 2 form for create a ticket, one for english and one for italian, they are exactly the same exept for 1 little thing: the attachment field on english form post has attachment on variable name "attach" while the italian has it on variable "attach". I'm sure the problem is at row 36 of file open.php :$vars = $attachments->getClean();before that every output everything looks the same but after that line the italia has the cannedattachment filled, the english not.I belive i can copy the english one on the italian one so it will be processed correctly, but how to fix this issue correctly? is pretty ancient.

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