What are some of your favorite mods or customizations that you have done to your installation of Osticket?

Here are the few of my favorites:- Mod: Client side open ticket list. http://tmib.net/add-client-side-open-ticket-list-osticket-110- Mod: Plugin versions on the plugin page https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/pull/3486- Plugin: better Reporting (was a mod, is not a plugin) http://software-mods/reports.html- Plugin: User ACtive Directory syncing http://software-mods/adSync.html

There is an awesome list being curated here: https://github.com/clonemeagain/awesome-osticket  Everyone is welcome to submit PRs to that list.One of my general favourites is the attached_preview plugin here: https://github.com/clonemeagain/attachment_previewI have some mods of my own which are yet to be released as such as they are mostly only for my own use however 1-2 of these are:Mod: Minor changes to client pages if not using registration: https://github.com/perryk/osTicket/commit/3d1419798ee19eb959f417abc98e98bc416e0770Mod: Add in log events on auto assignments: https://github.com/perryk/osTicket/tree/log-assigned-on-auto-claim-and-set-closing-agentBoth are pretty boring really, just thought I'd show examples of things I have personally have changed.In my production I apply dozens of PRs from Github also, there are heaps which are useful and/or fix small issues.

"In my production I apply dozens of PRs from Github also, there are heaps which are useful and/or fix small issues."^I should mention that I have probably half a dozen of these as well.

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