Hi guys!I've got a mystery on my hands.First of all this is our system:osTicket Server : Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTSosTicket Version v1.10.1 (9ae093d) —  Up to dateWeb Server Software ApacheMySQL Version 5.7.21PHP Version 7.0.22-0ubuntu0.16.04.1This started happening a week ago (or so) and I've been trying to figure it out ever since.We create tickets out of emails, and it used to work with no issues.Emails would get sent by either our clients to help@... or be sent by the system though do-not-reply@... when a client is sending us a message through a help form on our website.In any case help@... get's polled every 4 minutes and tickets are created from those fetched emails.Imap is set up in the settings and it's fetching up to 20 emails.We might get a couple of emails an hour, so that setting shouldn't really do anything.Our email is hosted on google.Cron is set up to check emails every 4 minutes, I've played with the fetch frequency setting (1 min, 2 min, 4 min) but it didn't change anything (not sure what's the point since Cron is the one dictating everything, but I digress).OsTicket is also set up so that fetched emails are deleted.Fetch on auto-cron is disabled.A week ago (or so) I started seeing double email notifications about created tickets.First I checked the system and there was only one ticket there.Then I tested our help form and our google hosted inbox and there were no double emails, so this wasn't the reason for 2 notifications.I checked my email notifications and according to them two tickets were created, one with a number i.e. 000001 and the second one with a number 000004.The link in the agent's first email will take you to the ticket.The second one has an incorrect number and the link will take you to some other ticket.That tells me that the second ticket is not really created, but that there's a bug in the notification service that's sending out emails.The weird thing is that doesn't happen with every email created ticket, sometimes it works like it did, and then with the next couple of tickets notifications are doubled.I have 13 filters set up.The first one will use the reply-to email header for the emails only coming from out do-not-reply@...The rest of the filters are just assigning priority and help topics, nothing else.I've had Attachment Inline Plugin from the start and haven't touched anything.I've checked osTicket system logs and there are no errors (I've set it to debugging) and I'm seeing CRON working fine as shceduled and that's it.Not sure what else I could tell you...If you guys have any ideas I'm all ears!

grant your account access to all departments and teams.-or-look at the ost_ticket tableSee if the ticket 000004 is actually created.I suspsect that the system is making both tickets.

One ticket is created, but the other one isn't.I have disabled one filter which I had used for better spam protection and the issues seems to have stopped.I'll re enable it and check if the issues start again.I will update you guys when I have more information!

I've partially found the culprit.While setting up the filters I had one which was supposed to take care off reply-to email address and then afterwards I had filters which were sending tickets to right departments, assigning Help Topic and Priority.There was also one which was supposed to deal with spam tickets.I had put it in the second place and that was somehow interfering with everything.I ended up putting it in the first place and made sure that if it triggers nothing else runs.Now there are no duplicate tickets or notifications.I believe this can be marked as solved.

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