Hello there;When Completing E-Mail Configuration "Authentication Required" Part Selected Yes . I am receiving an Error Message as below.authentication failure All the Information I Entered in the Related Areas is Correct."Authentication Required" Part Selected No. Recording Configuration. But Mail Notification does not come.How can I solve this problem?

Current Board is OsTicket Version 1.9.xCurrent Php Version : 5.6Current MySQL Version 5.6.36Current Php Extencion:apcubcmathdomfileinfogdimapintlioncube_loaderjsonmailparsembstringmcryptmemcachememcachedmssqlmysqlmysqliopcachepdfpdopdo_mysqlpdo_pgsqlpdo_sqlitepharposixproproradiusraphfrsyncsoapsocketsxmlreaderxmlwriterzend_guard_loaderzip

Selected Php Options:allow_url_fopen : Ondisplay_errors : Onerror_reporting : E_ALL & ~E_NOTICEfile_uploads : Oninclude_path : /opt/alt/php56/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/phplog_errors : Onmail.force_extra_parameters : no valuemax_execution_time : 30max_input_time : -1memory_limit : 128Mopen_basedir : no valuepost_max_size : 2Msession.save_path : /opt/alt/php56/var/lib/php/sessionshort_open_tag : Onupload_max_filesize : 16M

I do not see the openssl extension enabled.

The server does not have an extension named OpenSSL

PHP Options.png

Well then it sounds like you found your problem.  You need to install the openssl extension.Under some linux flavors you can simply: <code>apt-get install php5_openssl</code>Under Windows you can uncomment the extension line in the php.ini: extension=php_openssl.dll

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