Our Facilities staff utilize OS Ticket and one of their biggest complaints was the inability to create tickets automatically on a schedule.I've been working on a Auto Ticket mod for a couple of weeks now and I thought I would share my progress with everyone. With enough support I would consider releasing it for everyone to use. (Best of all it's 1.10.1 compatible) The mod is pretty simple in how it works; The Agent's create the Auto tickets through a HTML form and saves this information directly to the OS Ticket database which tickets are then generated via a set schedule through SSIS.The Auto tickets repeating schedule can be configured to days, weeks, months, years and can be updated/deleted by the Agents after they are created. I've even tied role permissions (Can Create/Delete/Edit Tickets) into the Mod as well.I've attached some screenshots of the Mod in-case anyone is interested.Thank you,






    Do we have to tell them we're using it?

    @[deleted]; I'm not sure I understand the question. If you're are referring to recognition of the Mod when released that is not needed.Thank you,

    Hahaha, I meant tell staff that tickets were being generated on a schedule. Lol

    Wow I feel like an idiot! Lol. Thank you for this Grizly

    My bad, the smiling emoji didn't make it in.

    We generally automate tickets with the API. But this is great, would like to see it.

    9 months later

    Hi Guys, I would be interested in this MOD as well, can anyone shed any light on the exact steps to add this, Thanks in advance.

    3 months later

    aannen would you mind sharing your mod for autoscheduled tickets?

    2 years later

    i´m also interested in this MOD. can anyone help me? thanks

    21 days later
    3 months later

    Hello! I would also really like to try this MOD!

    5 months later

    Hi, I am very interessted in thos MOD. Can you share this MOD?

    This post is 4 years old and the OP has not responded since Dec 2017. I do not find it likely that they will reply again.

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