Having an issue with OSTicket v1.9.12. Can't seem to upload any kind of file when opening a ticket. This is only on IE11. Tested in Chrome and it works with no issues however I need this to work in IE11 as well. Some reading has led me to believe that this won't work in IE11 due to some compatibility issues with Java, but I figured I'd ask anyway.When trying to upload a file I either get the hanging upload bar that never completes or the undefined400 error message.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thank you.

Upload Failure.JPG

Upload Failure 2.JPG

1.9.12 is quite old.  You might want to try upgrading to the current version for that branch (1.9.16) or to the current version (1.10.1 as of this writing).

3 years later

I'm using OSTicket 1.14.3 the same error is displayed in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Txt files are allowed. Images and pdf files displayed the error undefined 400.

This thread is three years old and for a version of osTicket that is no longer supported. Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.

Killing zombie thread with a head shot.

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