Hello!We have this kind of workflow: anyone could open a ticket (end user or agent), after that ticket is assignet to some agent who work on it, after he think that job is done he moved ticket to "resolved" state and at the end of the day our boss close resolved tickets or open them again if something is wrong.Today we needed to generate reports about how many tickets was assigned to single person in a specific period of time and we found that every closed ticket are assigned to our boss.Is there any way to change this behaviour, so when closed, tickets are still asigned to the person who worked on it?Also is it possible somehow to prevent "resolved" tickets from overdueing?Thanks!

Q: "Is there any way to change this behaviour, so when closed, tickets are still asigned to the person who worked on it?"A: Yes. Do not assign them to someone else before closing them.Q: "Also is it possible somehow to prevent "resolved" tickets from overdueing?"A: Any of the following:Close them before they become over due.  Edit them and remove or change the SLA

Closed tickets get a "Closed By" assignment of the person closing the ticket so it is difficult to tell which agent was assigned to the ticket before it was closed. 

Just checked in 1.10.1 and the person who closed the ticket becomes the assigned agent if the ticket is reopened.

"Yes. Do not assign them to someone else before closing them." Sorry, what do you mean? After ticket was created it assigned to an agent responsible for it. After it's done agent move it to a state caled "resolved" (i created this state by myself), and at the end of the day our boss close resolved tickets. That's the problem, because we can't generate report now, since all tickets are closed by single person.

"Closed tickets get a "Closed By" assignment of the person closing the ticket so it is difficult to tell which agent was assigned to the ticket before it was closed. "BrettR, thats exactly the thing i want to change. Is it possible?

Another option: i could see "archived" state in the list of ticket states, but i can't change tictets state to it, also i can't find a way to look at the list of achived tickets. This also could help us, so instead of "resolved" agent could close ticket and a manager could move them to archived if everything is fine.

The person who closes the ticket is the person who it will be assigned to when it's re-opened.  So you would need the agent who worked on it to close it, and not the manager.  You cannot change this behavior as this is not a feature in osTicket at this time.  You will have to have your agents actually close the ticket if you want them to be the assigned to said staff if/when it is re-opened

  • agco replied to this.
    7 days later

    I've checked this out and found you can edit line 1197 of include/class.ticket.php to have "$set_closing_agent=false" at the end. This will be a little odd however as everywhere you see "Closed By" it will actually have the person who was originally assigned the ticket, not the person who actually closed it.I'm still considering if I want to make this change for myself. On one hand we often close tickets for each other and the automatic assignment to the closer may alter statistics. On the other, I think this was done in environments which use cross-department teams to remove access to a ticket once it has been closed by someone in the other department. I guess it depends on if you use teams much and if there is any other unforeseen consequences of changing this code.

    I'm leaning towards not changing this, something else I just considered is if you close a job that has no one assigned, it won't have anyone associated with the ticket at all.

    pcjkollmorgen, thanks!It looks like solution we are looking for.I'll try it in test enviroment!Since we don't have cross department teams i think it would be ok for us.

    3 years later

    In 1.14.1 you can change line 1444 in include/class.ticket.php and set $set_closing_agent=false.
    It's a hack, and will be lost on an upgrade, but it's better than the default (and non-modifiable) behavior

      3 years later


      I'm using v1.18.1 and works!!. It's just that I'm looking for and I register into this forum, after lurking some weeks only to say thank you!

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