Hi Team,I have installed Osticket v1.10 freshly on my Ubuntu 14.04 server, now the tickets are fetching very slow, ( need to refresh every time or i have to logout and login again)And in Osticket v1.10 time also displaying 3 hr more than the current time. My time zone is IST  . and in osticket also i have set it to Asia/Kolkata as its IST timezone.Osticket version - v 1.10Web server - Apache 2.4.7 (Ubuntu)Mysql version - 5.7.19PHP version - 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.22OS - Ubuntu 14.04 server osPlease help me to fix this issue.Thanks and regardsRajendra

Please ensure that your datetime/timezone is the same in the following:MySQLPHPosTicket Admin panelosTicket Agent panel -> ProfileServer OS

All my date and timezone are same in in the following:MySQLPHPosTicket Admin panelosTicket Agent panel -> ProfileServer OSStill i am getting 3 hr difference .




Can you provide the results of:USE mysql;SELECT * FROM `time_zone_name`;

a month later

I fixed this issue .... anyways thanks for the responces.

What was the fix?  In case someone else runs into this.

To remove timezone issue with osticket DB timezone as : IST (Interpreted as Asia/Jerusalem)

we have done fix in include/class.config.php

Search for line having

function getDbTimezone()

in this function you would last line as

return $this->get('db_timezone');

Comment this line , and add below two line

$dvd_db_timezone='Asia/Kolkata'; return $dvd_db_timezone;

The function would like below.

function getDbTimezone() { if (!$this->exists('db_timezone')) {

require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.timezone.php';

$this->persist('db_timezone', DbTimezone:()); }

$dvd_db_timezone='Asia/Kolkata'; return $dvd_db_timezone; // return

$this->get('db_timezone'); }

This is how i fixed my Issue



You never posted your database timezone...Run the following in MySQL and post the results:mysql> SELECT @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;

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