Hi all,With regards to email piping; how do I actually set this up?I have osTicket installed on a virtual machine separate from my mail server and cPanel.I have followed the documentation located here, but how does cPanel know which server my script is located on?Meanwhile, on my osTicket admin installation, I keep receiving the error messages: IMAP connection broken (server response) Invalid login. Check IMAP settingsWhen I attempt to fill out the IMAP details. I'm using the exact same details as the SMTP (which works fine). I've used ports 143, 995, 25, 993 and 443. (IMAP is enabled for the email address I wish to use)I've set up a cron job on the osTicket server and given it the API key I've set up in the Admin Panel (I assume the IP for the key is for the mail server? Either way there are two API keys, one set up with the IP of the osTicket server and one with the IP of the mail server) - no joy.Does anyone have a step-by-step guide of how to set this up? I'm using: osTicket Versionv1.10 (901e5ea) — Up to dateWeb Server SoftwareApache/2.4.25 (Debian)MySQL Version10.1.22PHP Version7.0.16-3Cheers