Hello everyone,I am new on OsTicket and I need some help/advice on the problem with Alerts and Notices. My agents are not receiving any alerts and notices on the new tickets, as well as on the ticket assignment to a team/person.I have 2 departments, 9 teams. All new tickets are filtered and assigned directly to the dedicated department, team and help topics.1. Alert & Notices are enabled.2. Assignment alerts are enabled for each team.3. Email template for agents is enabled.4.Emails are sent via SMTP. On the diagnostic emails everything works fine.I am really lost and need your help guys, many thanks in advance. osTicket Version

v1.9.14 (8b927a0)

Web Server Software

Apache/2.4.10 (Debian)

MySQL Version


PHP Version


Capture d’écran 2017-04-14 à 17.44.44.png

Capture d’écran 2017-04-14 à 17.47.50.png

Please either: provide screen shots of your settings. Include email settings, department and team settings, etc.Or go through all of them and make sure that they are correct.  And make sure that your not shutting them off at the department / team level.Also you should really upgrade to 1.9.15 if you need to stay on the 1.9 branch.  

6 days later

@[deleted]I've checked it up and the problem was on the department level.Many thanks!

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