My tickets say an hour early to what actually time is. I see there have been a few tickets open about OSticket and the times being wrong.  I have read what I could find and tried their fixes with no luck.Here is what I have checked:PHP.ini>date.timezone = America/Chicagoosticket>admin panel>Default Time Zone GMT -6.0 - Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico Cityosticket>admin panel>Agents>Default Time Zone GMT -6.0 - Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico Cityosticket>my preferences>Default Time Zone GMT -6.0 - Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico CityEvery setting reflects my time zone.  Selecting or Deselecting "Observe Daylight saving" has no effect.  The time doesn't change.  I am not sure where else to look, any help would be apreciated.

Server OS timezone?PHP timezone?MySQL Timezone?

Server OS Timezone: (UTC -06) Central Time (US & Canada)PHP Timezone: America/ChicagoMySQL Timezone: Unknown and perhaps where my issue is.  I don't know how to check that.

A quick google takes me to:

MySQL timezone -06 still have the error of everything being an hour off.

From the command line run a command that shows the system time. On Linux machines its:$ dateAlso run the following to get MySQL's time:$ mysql -u root -p -e "SELECT NOW(),CURDATE(),CURTIME();"Please post the results of these two commands once done.

cmd> time The Current time is: 11.54 (Which is correct)Mysql shows correct current date but wrong current time the time is an hour behind.  Which doesnt make sense because the GUI for MySQL shows -06 for central time. Unless something else needs to be here.

Windows Server 2012R2  I have tried changing the time via the select now(); command see screen shot, no change happened. '


Yea that won't work...go to this website and scroll down to Populating the Time Zone Tables. Look for the Windows instructions. Once finished, log in to MySQL and run > SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/Chicago';. After this restart the server and you should get the correct time when running NOW();. Let me know how this goes!

Windows instructions start where it says "If your system is one that has no zoneinfo database (for example, Windows),".

Okay, I downloaded the files ( - POSIX standard) and shut down mysql service then moved files into the data folder, started back up the service and ran the command.  I receive the following error.  Error 1298 (HY000): Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'America/Chicago'Now I have verified that is the correct zone, am now at a loss again.

That sounds like it did not install right. Make sure you downloaded the right files for your version. Also try reinstalling the mysql files, log in to MySQL, and run > SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/Chicago';before restarting the service.

Its listed as 5.6 and below for the files i downloaded.  We use 5.5  With the service stopped you cannot log into it and run that command.What I have doneShut down MySQLMoved extracted files to the data folderTried to loggin to MySQL through command while service was shut down and given an unable to connect errorRestarted serviceLogged in and ran command and get error 1298 (hy000) 

This sounds like the files still aren't where they are supposed to be. Go to this SO question and look at the top answer. Maybe this will help?

YOU SIR ARE THE MAN! That was it the ProgramData folder instead of Program Files.  Now all time zones match up and osticket has the correct time. -Cheers

Well I got a little excited too early.  I still had the OS times as Easter -05 which is why it was working.  When I revert back to Central time its still an hour off

Youre still the man though Kevin, it finally started accepting "America/Chicago"

So to recapPHP.ini: America/ChicagoOS Time: (UTC -06) Central time (US & Canada)MySQL: America Chicago reflecting same time as server nowOS TIME: An hour off still.

Screen shots to show the above settings as being set.
