Hi all,Does anyone know if there is a live chat support app that works with OSTicket?  Back in the day we had Zopim (now Zendesk) working with OST v1.6 but for whatever reason that integration is no longer supported.  We are looking at open source chat tools like livehelperchat, livezilla, and mibew.  Wondering if anyone has these working with OST or knows how we could integrate one of them.  We get a lot of customers who chat with us and then we need to create a ticket manually in OSTicket after the chat session; it would be so nice to create this ticket directly in the chat system.Any advice and direction is greatly appreciated.Mark

You would have to search the forums as I do not recall any posts in the last few months about this.  I'm sure that there are people who have an chat app they use, but its not something that interests me so I haven't really paid attension to it.

Yeah, I think it's Zopim I believe is what I got to work at one point.

So far the only chat app I can find that claims to have an OST integration is Live Helper Chat.  Silly name, but a surprisingly feature rich chat app. I haven't tested the plug-in yet but it claims to work with v1.9, so hopefully it will work with out v1.10 install.  Here is the link to the plug-in in case anyone else is interested.https://livehelperchat.com/osticket-extension-394a.html

I'd be interested in hearing your critique of it if you dont mind following up. :)

Yes, I agree with ntozier, please let us know. I have to apologize, but I didn't realize Zendesk bought Zopim chat and is now charging. I still have a free account with them ha! Can you send a screen shot of what the chat looks like by any chance?

3 years later

May I ask if this working? Chat Integration inside the osTicket?

a month later

Hi guys, reviving this thread. Ive tried to get LiveChat going with V1.4, but its seems not compatiable. Any ideas on what I can use for LiveChat on the college Helpdesk site I work at?

I will test with a chat in osticket.
i did it in an older version. ill try to put it in the last version.
ill post the results when im done.

    5 months later
    8 months later

    Hi khadija94, I'm using LiveHelperChat in our website, with agents online they can chat with some client and create a ticket on OSTicket from desktop button (only web version of LHC). LiveHelperChat has a plugin for OSTicket, just needed an API key. Also if all agents are offline, LHC creates tickets from offline form directly to OSTicket.

    2 years later


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