OS Ticket is installed and all ready to go, agents have been setup on the system, what we would like to see and please tell me if it's not possible or what the best option is.... is when a ticket is assigned from within 'scp' at the point of creating a 'new ticket', on the 'assigned to' field we would like - IT Service Desk  - Technician 1  - Technician 2  - Technician 3 - IT Networks  - Technician 1  - Technician 2  - Technician 3I have created the agents, I have created the teams and I have created departments... I am just wondering now how the whole Teams vs Departments works.Should I treat 'teams' as being the IT Teams that are going to be receiving the tickets, and then treat departments as the departments logging the tickets to us, as an example a department could be 'finance' that log tickets from the customer portal, and never go in through scp.

Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.What version of osTicket are you using?Your logic sounds correct. We use Departments for the grouping of Help Topics (The Finance department might have Help topics of Billing, Accounts Receivable, etc.) for the purpose of ticket routing, and we use Teams for the grouping of Agents for the purpose of ticket assignment and alerts.

we are using version 1.10are you able to send me a screenshot of how your new ticket log looks on your system with the department / teams menus on show?  obviously blur anything out that you would prefer us to not see. 

I am not sure what you want to see a screenshot of with "department/teams menus on show"?

ok don't worry, but you see in the example above where I have said I would like it to show the team name followed by the agent names against this, is this possible within OS Ticket as standard, or will it just show all agent names listed and then at the footer it shows the team names?

Departments are collections of Agents in a department.  Such as IT Team, Finance, etc.  Department members will see any ticket assigned to their department.Teams are collections of Agents that are not in the same department but need access to a specific ticket to work on it.If you click Assign you can pick between Department or Teams.  If you click Transfer you can pick the Department to transfer to.  I'm not real sure what it is you are trying to ask.

    ntozier, the problem I have is that when it comes to logging the ticket, I see the field 'assign to' with the placeholder '- select an agent or a team-' but within here only shows agents or teams... can I get this to display departments?

    I feel I might have only helped to confuse this question, by not understanding what it is you are really asking.So you want to see the team name AND each technician on the team listed when a ticket is assigned? That is not possible in the UI and you would need to modify the source code to do that.Q: Should I treat 'teams' as being the IT Teams that are going to be receiving the tickets,A: yes, as @[deleted] says, teams are collections of agents and would be the ones to resolve the tickets.Q: and then treat departments as the departments logging the tickets to us,A: no, departments are internal to your organization, and not users. Departments are things like your Tech Departments, or Sales Department, or Finance Department, that you route incoming tickets to based on the Help Topic selected by the person submitting the ticket.As @[deleted] said, Teams are collections of Agents, Departments are collections of Help Topics, if you need to create collections of Users you can use Organizations for that.If you are asking about adding a new column to show different information in your ticket queue, we can point you to a thread that discusses that as well. 

    ok, I was advised here to setup as departments for now whilst we do some testing... I have setup permissions so that everyone has access to the department 'Support', but we are finding we can only see the tickets assigned to us, and not tickets assigned to my colleagues also within Support. 

    a year later

    This post is old, but adding the solution to it, I had that issueOn the Agent Profile under Account Tab,>Status and Settings> you need to select the checkbox that says's "Show assigned tickets on open queue" that will show assigned ticket if you have the right permissions

    5 years later

    ntozier I think that correct would be that "If you click Assign you can pick between Agents or Teams" .... instead of "Department or Teams"

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