Hi,I've an issue with OSTicket that's not doing the auto-assignment to an Agent our a Team, with filter created.I've the v1.9.12 on my production Ticket system, but I try the last release v1.9.14 on a fresh install and only make the email cron on cpanel on forwarded email to pipe.php, like I've on the production system.Anyone have the same issue and can tell me if there's any fix or diferent configuration to solve that?The idea is auto assign emails sent to support@email.com assign to an Agent or a Team.Thank you.

You haven't provided your filter settings.

Hi ntozier,Attached you've an example trying to put the filter working.I've already checked some discussions to trry to solve that issue but without success.Thank you.


Hi,Can anyone try to explain-me if I've any setting wrong or if it's a bug on osTicket?Thank you.

I dont see a problem with the filter. Do you have other filters?

Hi ntozier,No I don't have any filters right now. I've found what's filtering the tickets from specefic emails. It's the "Help Topic" curiosly. It doesn't make sence in my opinion, because if I want filter the information, I went to "Ticket Filter".However, without any filters, only specify correctly the agent, department or teams as well, It's the "Help Topic" the responsable.So for now, it's solved. However, it' doesn't make sence the Help Topic assuming all this before the Ticket Filter.Thank you for you time.

You do realize that ticket filters only fire when a ticket is created right?

Yes, definetly right, but even with that, the auto assignment didn't work. Only when I remove them and I've changed the "Help Topics" works like expected.

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