I have a loop occurring when an email support request is sent to (for example) department1@mydomain.com - it is then fetched and creates a ticket. An email alert is sent to the administrator, agents, department admin etc - but then another ticket gets created from the 'New Ticket Alert' email! And so on...... It's endless.

1) is it possible that OS is fetching (and creating tickets from) 'sent mail' as well as 'inbox'? If so how can I switch that off?

2) I would like all email alerts - across the whole system - to come from a different email address (alerts@mydomain.com), but when I respond to a support request ticket the response should NOT come from alerts@mydomain.com, but rather from the specific department email address.

How do I sort this out quick as my organisation is putting pressure.........

If a loop is occurring then its because your mail server (or someone else) has a forward or alias setup that is causing the loop.  osTicket tries to determine if sending an email would cause a loop and some times detects it and would tell you (and not send the mail).Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.  Since you have not told us which version of osTicket you are running I am guessing at the locations.1. No. osTicket only checked the inbox..  It does not check sub folders.2. The system default emails are set at Admin panel ->  Settings  -> Emails.Department emails are set at the department level Admin panel -> Agents -> Departments

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