dayala the messages that are being sent are stored in the database as a response to a ticket. So I personally do not find this as necessary. I can understand why you might find it necessary though. This would double the storage requirements. In some cases it would more than double it as the outgoing email headers are not stored in the database so all those headers which are routinely longer than the body would take up more room on the mail server. I know this isn't the end of the world, but in my environment it would mean storing three copies of the email since we have an email archiver that well archives all emails sent/received by the mail server.
Email clients do have this functionality, but they way that they do it is they effective send the email twice.
Once with SMTP to actually send the message to its recipient, and then again to the server to store it in your mailbox.
I would like to add that I am not the gatekeeper of new features. I do keep a running list for the devs, but ultimately I have little to no say in what features are implemented and which are not. If this is something that you really want then I would encourage you to open a Feature Request on github, or modifiy the core files yourself. I think that this could probably be achieved by using imap_append().
You can open a Feature request by by starting a new issue on github and prefixing the title/subject with [Feature Request]. You can do that here:
As a side note this thread is 3 years old and normally I would say please do not be a necromancer, and kill the zombie thread, but I do not want to shut down the conversation. If other people would like to voice their opinions, or throw out ideas about this please feel free.