Greetings,I have installed osTicket on my synology nas, at first i wanted to remove the icon from dsm on all users except admin, to which i found the answer by editing the config file of the application on the Web folder of the synology; like so:There is a simpel solution for hiding icons for non admin users.Login via telnet/ssh to your synology as root,vi /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/<application>/configChange the line"allUsers": true,to"allUsers": false,and save.This worked perfectly for me.Now my new dillema is: how can i choose specific users (without them being administrators) on my nas to actually have this icon on their DSM?Is there a parameter we can add on the config file?

The only thing DSM means to me is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (which is published by the American Psychiatric Association, offers a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders) so I really have no clue as to what you are referring to.It seems to me that you are making web config changes in your SynologyNAS' webserver to change how osTicket runs on it, and then asking us to support your changes so you can make more changes.

Sorry, DSM (DiskStation Manager) is actually the OS system for the Synology NAS.I'm not asking for any support on my changes. I'm actually asking if anyone knows if there is a parameter i can put in the config file that allows me to give the osTicket icon on the OS of Synology to just specific users?

DSM is a Synology term for DiskStation Manager.  I don't think it includes everything on the Anxiety tree though.  Isn't this a Synology question unrelated to osTicket? 

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