Hello togetherI just installed the new version of OsTicket on Debian.Everything is fine, only the email fetching with office 365.I dont have errors and the configuration was fine.But Osticket don't pick up mail from the Inbox.I need Help. Pleas.Thx Anton

Version of osTicket?Have you disabled Admin Panel -> Settings -> E-Mail -> "Verify email address domain"Have you set the server to allow connections from your web server?Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.

Vesion 1.9.12Yes, I have everything done. How can I set /api/crop.php to start automatically? My crobjob didnt work.

You would run it via cron.  What did you use for your cronjob?

I run my cron.php manually.osticket.conpanyname.com/api/cron.phpWhen I enter this URL, the mails are fetching.

Do you have autocron checked?  Because running cron manually should not work.. unless you modified the file.You have to call cron.php from a commandline cronjob.http://osticket.com/wiki/POP3/IMAP_Setting_Guide

This is my cron.php@[deleted](dirname(__FILE__).'/'); //Change dir.require('api.inc.php');#if (!osTicket:())#    die(__('cron.php only supports local cron calls - use http -> api/tasks/cron'));require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'api.cron.php');LocalCronApiController:();?>

I don't know, how to start it automatically.

1. restore your stock cron.php2. setup a cron job to call the file.

13 days later

Great!I'll mark this thread as resolved and close it.

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