I wanted to change the error validation message for the email requirement of a new user.  I needed it to specify information required for the email address.  Is there a way in the system to do this?  I ended up editing class.forms.php:        # Validates a user-input into an instance of this field on a dynamic        # form        if ($this->get('required') && !$value && $this->hasData()){            $this->_errors = sprintf(__('%s is a required field'),                $this->getLabel()); if ($this->getLabel() == "Email Address"){ $this->_errors = __('A mydomain.org email is required'); } }

Version of osTicket?Presuming current:Admin panel -> Manage -> Forms -> Contact Informationto the right of email click the Config button.The Validation Error field is there.

Nothing to be sorry about... but 1.9.13 hasn't been released yet.http://osticket.com/download

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