
When a user creates a new ticket via email, our selected agents will then get a notification, which is great.

I have however noticed that if that ticket has not been claimed and the user decides to add addition information by sending another email, we don't get a notification for it.

Is this normal behaviour, and can it be changed so that the agents do get a notification?


Q: Is this normal behaviour?A: Yes.Q: can it be changed so that the agents do get a notification?A: sorta yes and sorta no.There is no "unassigned ticket alert".You can set:Admin panel -> Settings -> Alerts and Notices -> New Message Alert:However your best bet is probably to alert the department manager so that they can assign the ticket to someone.

Alerting the department manager isn't a great option for us really.

We already have the new message alerts enabled, but we only get a notification when the ticket is initially created.

We would just like it so if a ticket is sitting unclaimed, and the ticket creator sends an update via an email then our agents would get another notification email.

Is there no way this can be done?

You have two choices.1. you can leave things as they are which obv is not working for you the way you want it to.or 2. you can assign tickets when they come in so that there is someone to send the alert to other than the department manager.

It's more for if someone sends an email out side of working hours.

If they send 2 email (one to create the ticket and one to update) we won't really know what there has been an update till the next day.

For example, first email:

Hello my phone isn't working, no rush but can someone check this out?

Email 2:

Sorry turns out this is urgent and needs rectified ASAP.

So we won't know that this issue has now turned urgent unless one of the agents log in.

Although the email is outside working hours, we do generally help our clients out of the issue is urgent.

The it sounds like choice 2 is your option.


This would still involve someone logging in and having to check the ticket, to me it makes no sense not to have another notification for an update to a ticket that's not claimed.

So frustrating, OSTickets seems to have great potential and would fit really well for our needs, but little things like this is going to make it really hard for me to convince powers above to go with this.

It would be at least be nice to have the option.

I'm assuming you have some sort of involvment with OSTicket?

Do you do feature requests?

"This would still involve someone logging in and having to check the

ticket, to me it makes no sense not to have another notification for an

update to a ticket that's not claimed."No, it would not.Help Topics can assign tickets.Admin panel -> Manage -> Help Topics -> Auto-assign To:Ticket Filters can assign tickets.Admin panel -> Manage -> Ticket Filters -> Auto-assign To:And then Tickets that do not match either (aka unassigned tickets), can have really low SLA's to send out over due notices.Q: I'm assuming you have some sort of involvment with OSTicket?A: Yes I am the head forum moderator.Q: Do you do feature requests?A: Anyone can fill out a feature request.https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/issues/new

auto assigning a ticket isn't a good way of dealing with this.

It could end up being auto assigned to someone who is unavailable to deal with the urgent issue.

I would rather all my engineers received the message so I know the first available person will deal with it.

I will request the feature thanks.

I'm curious as to what your reasoning is that you think auto-assigning it to a Team would not be a good way of dealing with this?

I've very much used to using Spiceworks, so maybe im just not thinking outside the box.But this is the way we currently have it:User creates ticket via email, then all agents are notified via an email notification.Now if this ticket is left unclaimed then i know nobody has dealt with this yet.Again this example is based working out of hours, so maybe all agents have seen this notification but because its not urgent they will just deal with it tomorrow morning.Now the user has decided that the issue is urgent so sends a second email to tell us this.Again all agents will get another notification with the updated details.Now if one of my agents decides that its urgent enough for them to pick it up, they will claim the ticket and all other agents will be given a notification saying that they have claimed it.So, client is now being helped by agent and all other agents know that they don't have to worry about it as its being looked into. and i know all this just by looking at my email, no need to log into spiceworks.With OSTicket our agents will only receive the first notification and wont know that the client has updated the ticket.Now yes we could auto assign the ticket, and whoever it is assigned to will get the updates, but lets just say that agent is unavailable, i have no way of knowing that without actually contacting the agent.That make sense?

Q: That make sense?A: Yes it makes sense... if you assume that the assignment is to an individual and not a Team.  Team's are collections of agents.  You could make a team of the people who usually respond after hours and assign it to said team.  All Team members would then get an alert that there is a new message.

We don't have teams us such, just departments.SalesITCurrently we are both using different helpdesksSales - FreshdeskIT - SpiceworksOriginally we only had Spiceworks for IT and Sales just used email, but due to company growth email just became unmanageable.Spiceworks doesn't suit the needs for Sales, so we ended up getting Freshdesk.Personally i don't like this and would much prefer we both worked on the same system.ITWe have 5 staff in IT, we pretty much all share the same role.We are an MSP, so we look after other company's IT along side our own.Because we all do pretty much the same hours, same job role etc, it would be difficult to assign each other to different teams.Also we're not always stuck behind a desk, in some cases we could all be out at customer sites and be relying on email for communication.I really want to sell the idea to my boss to use OStickets as i can see so many benefits to using it, so before i show it to him and each department i'm trying to get it to be as close as possible to how there existing systems work.

If an agent claims a ticket, do other agents get notified?

I think that the answer to that depends on how it is claimed.If it is claimed by replying to the ticket. (Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets -> Claim on Response:) then a new Message Alert would be triggered. (see your Alerts and Notifications and Autoresponder settings).If the ticket was assigned to an Agent then a Ticket Assignment Alert: would be triggered. (see your Alerts and Notifications and Autoresponder settings).If the Ticket is claimed by clicking the claim button I'm not sure. (since we do not use it ever)

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