Hello,Just upgraded from 1.7 to 1.9.12, apache 2.2.15, mysql 5.1.73, php5.3.3, all php extensions loaded. MTA is php mail function.Would appreciate any thoughts with a couple of strange things that are happening under 1.9 that didn't happen under 1.7:1. When a user emails a problem the system creates a ticket, the agents get a new ticket email but the user doesn't get a new ticket created message. When an agent creates a ticket online, the user and agents get a new ticket message, as it should be.When an agent replies to the ticket online the user and agents gets the emails, as it should be.When an agent replies to the new ticket email via email an internal note gets posted, as it should be.I've been through all the options and made sure they are all turned on (I hope that's not famous last words!), so any ideas why users aren't getting a new ticket email?2. When a user replies to a closed ticket it does not re-open it despite the option being enabled.Agents get an email saying a reply has been posted but it doesn't reopen it automatically. Any ideas why?All other emails appear to be working fine, in and out of the system.There are no errors in the PHP, system or mail logs.So any ideas why these things are happening?Thanks for your time.