Hello,Just did a fresh install of 1.8.1 then upgraded to 1.9.12The upgrade went well although when I go toAgent Panel > Users > Add UserI get the GUI loading dialog box, then it goes blank and grays out the screen.  I have to REFRESH to regain navigation.I had it set to REQUIRE REGISTRATION.... And REG METHOD was set to Private.WIth it set to Reg Required and REG METHOD Public, I can create test accounts as an emd user but NOT as the admin in the SCPAny ideas....Server InformationosTicket Version     v1.9.12 (19292ad) — Up to dateWeb Server Software     ApacheMySQL Version     5.5.42PHP Version     5.4.45Thanks,Bren

I'm not sure why you would do a fresh install of 1.8.1 then upgraded to 1.9.12...

But you should check your error logs (web server as well as PHP). It sounds like your web server is not answering AJAX requests.

Thanks for the info, I'll look for the logs.

FYI I did a fresh install of 1.9.12 still getting same type of issue, attached screenshot

This is what i get logged in as ADMIN > Agent Panel > Users > User Dir > Manage Acct (once a user is selected)


the error log in the SCP dir gave this:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function setTabActive() on a non-object in /home1/........./scp/profile.php on line 45

which is :  $nav->setTabActive('dashboard');

White bars like that one in your image are a failed AJAX request.This could be a firewall software on the server (SELinux, etc).It could also be a server configuration issue.

Thanks for the info, I'll circle back w/ the hosting company and relay what you said hopefully it's enough for them to go on.

Thanks again for your help, direction and great product!!

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