Have been using osTicket for several years now and it had been working fine all the time across software/server upgrades, migrations etc.But this time email piping stopped working when PHP was upgraded from 5.5.x to PHP Version 5.6.18, except for adding mod_geoip to Apache no other settings were changed. PHP is running as DSO (mod_ruid2). All file/folder permissions are correct.I have checked (have root access) emails are being forwarded properly to pipe.php, no error thrown or generated in exim. No error generated by pipe.php, it is just sitting there and doing nothing, no ticket is created, no response/alerts sent.Using web interface to create ticket is working fine, tickets are being created and all responses/alerts are being sent fine.This on a WHM/cPanel CentOS 7.2, Apache 2.4.18PHP 5.6.18MariaDB: 10.1.11 (MariaDB was already there prior to the issue)blankUsed this script to test if something is wrong with piping on the server, but it works fine and it did wrote to /home/username/pipemail.txt=============================#!/usr/bin/php -q<?php/* Read the message from STDIN */$fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r");$email = ""; // This will be the variable holding the data.while (!feof($fd)) {$email .= fread($fd, 1024);}fclose($fd);/* Saves the data into a file */$fdw = fopen("/home/username/pipemail.txt", "w+");fwrite($fdw, $email);fclose($fdw);/* Script End */?>=============================Any ideas, what could be wrong?

Make sure the link to php is correct - we had several similar cases already from other forum members which got solved by e.g. changing /usr/bin/php to /usr/bin/php56. Beside I currently do not have an idea :(

"when PHP was upgraded from 5.5.x to PHP Version 5.6.18"Did you uninstall 5.5.x?  If not then your PHP CLI is likely still pointing to the old version.Also several people have experienced issues running 5.6 with osTicket.

Thanks for replies.These are the two location and I have tested both./usr/bin/php/usr/local/bin/phpphp_cli is link to /usr/local/bin/phpMost probably osTicket is not fully compatible with PHP 5.6.

If this were a not compatible with 5.6 issue, you would be getting an entry in your php error logs.

2 months later

Does osTicket require mailparse installed?

I do not have mailparse installed, so I would say no.

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