HII have kali linux with Osticket v1.9.12 cron job set up correctly at 2 min interval, When tickets are being logged via email.Osticket not updating unless I switch between Admin and agent panel, only then ticket is logged and mail notification recieved. For example a ticket is logged at 5pm I open my osticket at 7 and no new tickets apear until I switch between admin and agent panel... Help please

Don't know if it helps, but you could set the automatic refresh rate for the ticket queues to e.g. 5 Minutes.You find that setting under "My Preferences" right to "Agent Panel" or "Admin Panel".

yes I have done that at 1st setup. set to 2 min interval. Kinda weird because version 1.8 worked fine with centos.and this 1.9.12 with kali seems to have this issue. Here is another example when I log out and in Tickets comes threw just like switching between agent and admin. It also does not update if i switch between open and close

This sounds to me that your cron job isn't working and you have configured the auto cron too. In this case only the auto cron triggers the mail import and that would explain why only some activity of you like logout and login or switching between the panels will trigger the mail import..

Ok so if osticket mail fetch is enabled there is no need for crontab to run? crontab is configured the following way "*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/api/cron.php" I will cancel osticket cron fetch and test

Ha found my issue yes the cron tab path was set wrong should be  "*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/upload/api/cron.php" I missed the upload

When a cron mechanism is active (auto or local or remote) and you enabled the fetching setting then emails will be fetched. Using multiple cron mechanism seems to me not so a good idea. I could imagine when two crons are fetching at the same time duplicate tickets could be generated.I personally think auto cron is not so a good way to fetch emails because then your system will only import emails when somebody is logged in and does something. But it depends on your needs. Auto cron is easy to setup and a good way to test the email fetching. My experience ist that many people have problems to setup a local cron job or how to debug. For me it was easier to setup (and monitor) a r(emote) cron job. Easycron for example has a tutorial for that https://www.easycron.com/cron-job-tutorials/how-to-set-up-cron-job-for-osticket

Thank you for leading me in the right direction

I'm glad that I could help you a little bit..

@[deleted] good responses as usual. :)

@[deleted] Thanks, I try my best..

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