Hello again! On my demand for osTicket, I almost have everything to work as I desire. But have one question regarding Help Topics.I have a list of Topics that are all public, so the end user can see them and select on the web form.At the end I created another,named 03. Email Ticket, that is private, so it's assigned to tickets generated by incoming emails.I thought that making it private would hide the help topic from the web form. Does it work that way? Or am I miss understanding the point of private? (I looked at the help button)To remember I'm on latest version (1.9.12).Thank you again!

Yes it works that way ;)

A private help topic does not appear on the drop down list at the portal for the users.

Thank you. But in my case is not working that way. A private help topic is displayed on the webform for a guest user. Don't know why...

Sorry, didn't make the screenshots, wasn't in the computer.The view from the guest client:blankThe configuration of help topics:blankI'm on 1.9.12, and have the modification to have the help topics separated by level.Thank you.

Then you should probably talk to the mod author and tell them.

Sorry never though it could be from there. It was from the first mod of Suntas. I made this change on class.topic.php:static function getHelpTopicsTicket($publicOnly=false, $disabled=false) {global $cfg;static $topics, $names;/*custom var*/$niveles = array();if (!$names) {$sql = 'SELECT topic_id, topic_pid, ispublic, isactive, topic FROM '.TOPIC_TABLE. ' WHERE ispublic=1 AND isactive=1 ORDER BY `sort`';$res = db_query($sql);I

added the yellow part to the code. I don't use registered users (for

now) but a guest can't view private or disabled topics. An agent can

open a ticket, view private topics, but no disabled. So, I think is

working as expected. Just need testing on registered users, because they were disabled from the beginning as I don't intend to use them.

7 years later

How Can I modify the v.1.16.3. source code, that users can see only the tickets of the public topics? I want to hide the tickets of private topic from the users.

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