Ahoi!When I try to send Messages to people whose shown name contains umlauts I get an error and no mail is send (also no auto response is send).It sais sending mail via SMTP not possible "Validation failed for: ""Die studentischen Hilfskräfte des IKG"" smtp.uni-bielefeld.de"This is due to the ä in the shown name The adress contains no umlauts, but as umlauts are now even used in domains - it could also occour (I i.e. own 0mÜ.de).Is there any solution for this?

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5 months later

Sorry, I completely forgot this thread. I found a solution.It wasn't the umlauts, I think. The Name of the recipient was set in quotationmarks - "Die studentischen Hilfskräfte" - and that got double-quoted - like ""Die studentischen Hilfskräfte"" - and it seems that caused the problem. I changed the Name in Users to Die studentischen Hilfskräfte without quotationmarks and it's working fine now.

Oh neat!  Thanks for following up and letting us know what you found.I'll mark this thread as resolved and close it.

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