Ok so I believe that i found a bug. If I do the following below, I get a possibly confusing output.Go into a ticketclick EditClick change next to the user and select a different userDon't click save yet, but click on the user/email that is now shown, it will pull up the previous user that was on the ticket versus the new one selected. I know if I were to click save and then go back and NOT change the user it would allow to me edit the correct user.

Can confirm this bug on our 1.9.12 installation(s).Please go ahead to github and open a issue there, so the devs can fix it:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/new

You haven't clicked save... so the changes haven' been submitted.  So I personally do not really see this as a bug.

Its might not be a bug but it can result in falsely displayed information, which can lead to bad things.

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