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After a long search through the open source universe for a good helpdesk we discovered two days ago osTicket. A big hug to the developement team: In our opinion osTicket is the best free helpdesk solution on the market. We remarked, that the community is very active and helpful. Thank you!We have read, that a lot of people are interested in a responsive theme, but none is available for free. We decided to do the the work and give it to the community for free. Here comes the first simple to modify rc 1 for the frontend.Introduction1. We remarked that theming without doing some changes in core files is very limited.2. We decided for the first draft to modify as few core files as possible to make later updates easier.3. We will create a frontend and a backend versionInstruction1. Download the attached zip and extract it to your desktop2. Make a backup of the following core files:index.phpinclude/client/header.phpinclude/client/footer.php3. Upload the content of the extracted zip to your server4. Have fun!5. Give us some comments, feedback and wishesBest regards,Jürgen