After a long search through the open source universe for a good helpdesk we discovered two days ago osTicket. A big hug to the developement team: In our opinion osTicket is the best free helpdesk solution on the market. We remarked, that the community is very active and helpful. Thank you!We have read, that a lot of people are interested in a responsive theme, but none is available for free. We decided to do the the work and give it to the community for free. Here comes the first simple to modify rc 1 for the frontend.Introduction1. We remarked that theming without doing some changes in core files is very limited.2. We decided for the first draft to modify as few core files as possible to make later updates easier.3. We will create a frontend and a backend versionInstruction1. Download the attached zip and extract it to your desktop2. Make a backup of the following core files:index.phpinclude/client/header.phpinclude/client/footer.php3. Upload the content of the extracted zip to your server4. Have fun!5. Give us some comments, feedback and wishesBest regards,Jürgen





Sorry, I didn't know, why my zip attachments are not included. Maybe, because I'm to fresh in this forum... ;o) I drop all files to our cloudserver, please use the following link and password for download. DMTEXTBASICRC1Click on the red button to get access!Best regards,Jürgen




I dont know anyone that runs rc1. You should probably make your theme for rc2 or wait until rc3 or ST is released.

Many thanks for this hint. It's the RC1 of our theme, you can use it on osTicket 1.9.12. I corrected the topic.

I still waiting to see what RC3 will fix and break but since I am updating with Develop-Next on a regualr I may not see much changes :(

12 days later

Here comes the RC2 of our free theme "Extended Basic". Now the frontend

work is completly done. The theme is fully responsive with new added

features like category navigation on knowledge base topis, new language

icons, stacked behaviour on mobile phones and and and... Please give me

your feedback and send me your wishes. You can download it for free

here: DMTEXTBASICRC2Click on the red button to get access!Instruction1. Download the attached zip and extract it to your desktop2. Make a backup of all core files (index.php and the complete folder "include/client")3. Upload the content of the extracted zip to your server4. Have fun!5. Give us some comments, feedback and wishesBest regards,Jürgen











Hey girls and guys, I'm very happy to see you downloading the rc2. Now we have reached more than 100 hundred downloads within one day. I would be pleased if you can give me some feedback. Is everything fine? Did you find some bugs? Do you have any wishes?We have started with the responsive backend theme...

thank you very much for this.. will test this in our test machine will post here for feedback

I don't run javascript so I cannot download it as the site requires it to download.If you would like to email me a copy at I would be happy to give it a whirl and provide feedback.

  IMPORTANT: RC1 & RC2 DOWNLOAD LINKS WERE REMOVED   We are proud to present the RC3 of our free responsive theme "Extended Basic".Here you can see it live and feel free to register and gambling around.The database will be reset once a day between 9.00 and 12.00 am. you can download the actual version: DMTEXTBASICRC3Have a nice day,Jürgen@[deleted]: the mail is on the way









    Hi DMT, Your modified theme is awesome. I found when open it on the mobile device new ticket subject is not showing responsive its going out of the box. It would be great if can be fix that too. One more question is that possible to add html editor like this forum for the customer view. Currently customer can not select any color changed for text. Thanks

    "One more question is that possible to add html editor like this forum

    for the customer view. Currently customer can not select any color

    changed for text."There actually is an HTML editor, it's built into osTicket and called Redactor. I don't think that he could or would want to change that.  But it is possible.

    @[deleted]: This is a problem of the dynamic form generator. Here's the quick solution:1. Login into the backend2. Goto "Admin Panel" > "Manage" > "Forms"3. Choose "Ticket Details"4. Choose the field you like to edit5. Click on "Config"6. Change the size to a value, that matches your needs.To change it for the future some not theme related core files must be edited. Maybe I will do this after finishing responsive backend theme. ;o)Best regards,Jürgen

    @[deleted] got the email thanks.

    @[deleted]: You are welcome! If you like to see, what we are doing on theme work for osticket 1.10. RC2 have a look here: you seen the dynamic slider for featured FAQs?

    @[deleted] Existing Redactor not giving this option to select text colour for in the client view.@[deleted]Is that change remain responsive. Thanks 

      UPDATE: All input fields, even created in the dynamic form generator, are now responsive.   Please replace "include" > "client" > "" with the attached one. Here you can download the actual version: DMTEXTBASICRC3Best regards,Jürgen@[deleted]: Hope this will solve your problems. Thanks for your feedback!

    Looking great! Hope we get a stable release soon.Regards,Marvin M

    The stable version is out, all RC versions are removed from our cloud server. Please follow this thread:

    @[deleted]: Please close this discussion.