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Hello there,I am running osTicket 1.9.11 on a Windows 8 PC with Apache 2.2.10 and PHP 5.3.6 and got issues with the attachments on filesystem plugin. I had a previous version from osTicket running (I think it was 1.6.xxx without db-file support) which saved the files with the same name it was attached to the ticket (for example attachment1.pdf). With 1.9.11 I got the attachments on filesystem plugin running and it saves the file on disk however the names of the files are crypted and look something like this "zw55z2rohoAQNZNNsKG4UdrQgQf3M9xY" which normaly should be a PDF-File. It makes no difference if I create the ticket by mail or by web the filename is always crypted. I´ll attach a screenshot of my osTicket configuration and can deliver more informaition if needed. I am not really sure where else to look.