Hello there,I am running osTicket 1.9.11 on a Windows 8 PC with Apache 2.2.10 and PHP 5.3.6 and got issues with the attachments on filesystem plugin. I had a previous version from osTicket running (I think it was 1.6.xxx without db-file support) which saved the files with the same name it was attached to the ticket (for example attachment1.pdf). With 1.9.11 I got the attachments on filesystem plugin running and it saves the file on disk however the names of the files are crypted and look something like this "zw55z2rohoAQNZNNsKG4UdrQgQf3M9xY" which normaly should be a PDF-File. It makes no difference if I create the ticket by mail or by web the filename is always crypted. I´ll attach a screenshot of my osTicket configuration and can deliver more informaition if needed. I am not really sure where else to look.


Somehow I can not attach a screenshot in a thread so here is are some imgur linkshttp://imgur.com/6ancSCShttp://imgur.com/kGayxmhThe error.log of Apache is full of errors which say: PHP Warning:  Invalid CRT parameters detected in \htdocs\\include\\class.translation.php on line 832, referer: http:/scp/Edit: I commented that line out and the error is gone now. $ret will be set anyway after that or am I wrong? Has nothing to do with the fileattachment issue anway which is prio 1 for me.


Since I never played with the filestorage plugin I'm a bit lost and not the right person to answer your question, but maybe @[deleted] can assist here.

I'm not seeing a problem to comment on?  The file system storage plugin does this renaming on purpose so that people can't just open the files via a web browser.

So there is no way to prevent the renaming? Files have been saved without encryption before so this somehow is confusing. Maybe someone can give a hint where to look in the files so I can modify them myself. These encrypted names make osticket completely useless for us since there is no way we can run OCR on PDF attachments without file extension.

Q: So there is no way to prevent the renaming?A: No.Q: Files have been saved without encryption before A: Not in a really long time.  I'd say circa 1.8.Q: These encrypted names make osticket completely useless for us since

there is no way we can run OCR on PDF attachments without file

extension. A: I'm sorry to hear that it's useless for you.  You could alter the behavior if you want to edit the plugin.  Alternatively you could run a script that copies the files to include a file extension.

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