I am using the latest stable version as of now: v1.9.12I finally got ticket filters to work!Firstly in the Ticket Filter: I changed the channel from "Web Form" to "Email" as i realized external contact forms should be treated as emails in OST anyways.I set the filter rule to "Match All",I used the filter rule "User / Full Name" to "Contains" to "nameofbrandhere".I selected the department i wanted to place in it.Important: I went to the agent panel and under users, deleted users associated with the email address sent from the external contact form (you might need to delete the tickets associated with this email). If you dont do this, osticket might not create the correct User Name.Back in the Wordpress website backend.I went to settings of SendGrid and under Mail settings, i changed the Name to the "nameofbrandhere", same name in the filter of Osticket. The sending address can be anything.The authentication method is "username & password"type the username and password of your sendgrid account.and send mail with "API".Next in the contact form 7 settings:The To: should be set to the support email of your osticket.The from should be which is the customers email account.I also confirmed that once you reply to customers, they can use their email to reply to back and OST will remember and open the message under the same ticket number!Using only one email account is convenient but this method have its down sides.Firstly, osticket will create tickets with the customers name set to what you placed above "nameofbrandhere". You can still collect the actual customers name via the message but in the OST users database the customers name will be wrong. This is also visible to the customers when they log in to OST to check previous tickets.This can be fixed by logging in and editing the customers names manually though. Is there a way to filter something other than the name to prevent this minor issue?