I Need to update Version osTicket (v1.9.1) to current (osTicket Core, v1.9.11), I have done the following thingsAdd upstream -- git remote add upstream https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8Fetch changes ("git fetch upstream")Checkout to develop branch ("git checkout develop")Merge with my changes in develop ("git merge upstream/develop")Pushed code(include all tags) to my gitbug accountPull all codes to my serverDeployed changes to document root through "php setup/cli/manage.php deploy -v /path to my os-ticket installation"Run the update script, it shows "Upgrade Completed!"But it shows current version as v1.9.7-140-g5788136 (5788136)I run the command "git describe", it display "v1.9.11-11-g5788136"I can see tag v1.9.11 in my git hub account.But system still shows version as v1.9.7-140-g5788136 (5788136)Kindly share your ideasThank you

I would recommend only downloading and installing the official archives from http://osticket.com/downloads

@[deleted]Thank you for your reply, I have identified the issue.When I fetch code from git, I didn't pull the git tags too before deploying changes to document root , this is the key.The issue I have faced is described below. 1) The upgrade process will happen based on the constant "THIS_VERSION" in bootstrap.php2) This constant is set by php installer (php setup/cli/manage.php)3) The installer get the value by running "git describe" (this is why we need to pull git tags as well)4) Unfortunately  I didn't pull git tags before I deploy changes to document root.By the way kindly describe how can we upgrade osticket version from archives.I did upgrade the way I described in the first comment because I found an article http://osticket.com/blog/86.

version numbers are different, but the proceedure hasn't changed.http://www.tmib.net/upgrading-osticket-1812-current-19rc

@[deleted]Thank you for your response.So how can we track custom changes?So how can we use this article http://osticket.com/blog/86

Q: So how can we track custom changes?A: That would really be a decision for your staff to make, but you could always use github.

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