Hello, I installed plugin Attachment on the filesystem, everything I did according this discussion http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//plugin-attachments/p1 but plugin still not working. When I add attachment on my website, in attachments folder are keys and signature files like are in database. In ticket settings I have path to attachments folder and plugin is enable and in settings is folder with permission 777. Have anyone idea for solution this problem? My system: Server InformationosTicket Versionv1.9.9-1-gbe2f138 (be2f138)Web Server SoftwareApache/2.2.15 (CentOS)MySQL Version5.1.73PHP Version5.3.3Thank you so much.Jakub

Also did you go to Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets ->

Attachments and change the back end to the filesystem in the drop down? 

Did you enabled the plugin after installing and configuring it?

Yes, I changed path to filesystem folder in settings of tickets and i have enabled the plugin with all configuration. 

Hey together I test the plugin just for me, unfortunately, nothing is stored in the folder. plugin is active folder as having permissions someone falls or whatever somebody has an idea?Über diese osTicket-InstallationServerinformationenosTicket-Version     v1.9.11 (c1b5a33) — Up to dateServer-Software     Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) mod_authnz_sspi/0.1.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1g PHP/5.5.11MySQL-Version     5.6.16PHP-Version     5.5.11PHP-Erweiterungengdlib     Wird für die Bildmanipulation und PDF-Druck verwendetimap     Wird für den E-Mail-Abruf verwendetxml     XML APIxml-dom     Wird für die HTML E-Mail-Verarbeitung verwendetjson     Verbessert die Leistung beim Erzeugen und Verarbeiten von JSONmbstring     Dringend empfohlen für nicht-westeuropäische Sprachinhaltephar     Dringend empfohlen für Plug-ins und Sprachpaketefileinfo     Wird verwendet, um Dateitypen für Uploads zu erkennenPHP-Einstellungencgi.fix_pathinfo     "1" wird empfohlen, wenn AJAX nicht funktioniertdate.timezone     Europe/BerlinDatenbankinformationen und NutzungSchema     osTicket (localhost)Schema-Signatur     b26f29a6bb5dbb3510b057632182d138Belegter Speicher gesamt     64.89 MiBDatenbankspeicher für Anhänge     blankblank

ok it worksthat would have times someone can write to :-)....blank

I have settings exactly how Oneil show in screenshots, but still it not working. 

iis or apache?all users has write access?

What you mean with apache? I set only permission 777 for attachment folder

can you post screens from the os settings?

I look attachment in my ticket, but when I want open it, i look blank page with this url: http://my.ticket.system/file.php?key=ukpr1kxjiw4pridmfl1xy2wyttb-ffoq&expires=1437782400&signature=b5ae142d03195daf25c42ca48d1874126b6eaa59

In attachments is my settings Folder in my root osticket has name "attachment".

ticket settings.png


manage plugin.png


can you check the activation in the mysql database?

Everythink looks good. Plugin ActivationblankUpload path in settings of pluginblankTicket settings blank




18 days later

Are you running SELinux?  (since your on CentOS)

17 days later

Yes, there is report from my CentOS VPS. SELinux status:                 enabledSELinuxfs mount:                /selinuxCurrent mode:                   permissiveMode from config file:          permissivePolicy version:                 24Policy from config file:        targeted

What happens if you disable it?

still same problem with attachments. 

"When I add attachment on my website, in attachments folder are keys and signature files like are in database" This sounds to me like the plugin is working correct and the files are stored in the right place. The white page when you are trying to view the attachments seems to me the problem.White page is normally an php error. Your php version is old and buggy.Maybe this is the reason for the problem. You should also see an php error in your webserver error log.

Thank you mfelber!! I solved it and now it works!!! Problem was in file.php. It has 0kb (I don't know why). I tried rewrite this file by file.php from new version of OsTicket and now it is great works. Thank you so much! 

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