I've recently installed the latest stable release(1.9.9) and it's working perfectly in Chrome and FF. However, in Internet Explorer 10 & 11(with and without compatibility mode) users are unable to open new tickets. The landing page works fine. Click "Open a New Ticket" and it takes you to the new ticket form but as soon as you click on "Create Ticket" it takes you back to the landing page. No thank you page is displayed and no ticket is created. It seems to be the same issue as described in this post(http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//submitting-tickets-in-internet-explorer) but there is no resolution listed.The second issue is the popup that reads "Unable to save draft..." as noted here: http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//submitting-tickets-in-internet-explorer. The difference is that for me this is only happening in IE and NOT happening in Chrome or FF.Any suggestions on how to remedy these issues? Thanks in advance!

Did you check your web server PHP error log?

What PHP version are you running?

What web server software after you using?

What MySQL version?

Please provide these info so we can better assist you. See also:


Nothing in the PHP error log.PHP: 5.4.7Apache(Win32): 2.4.3MySQL: 5.5.27Also, I pasted the wrong link in for the popup issue. Should be: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/1189

Thanks for the correct link. It is mentioned that the issue with "draft saved" is fixed in 1.10 (currently developer preview version - comparable to a alpha or beta version).

Regarding the issue that the end users can't submit a ticket in IE, I would enable the error level debug (default apache log level is usually warn/warning) and make sure that you try different IE versions or different systems and also that the cache of IE is cleared ;)

Let me know how it's working out :)

I've set the LogLevel to error, tried it on multiple OSes: Win7, 8.1, Vista, cleaned cache on all of them before testing, and still nothing in the PHP or Apache logs after trying to submit a test ticket. 

Ok that's really weird. Do not have any new ideas currently what could be the issue / how to troubleshoot with an empty log. Maybe @[deleted] has an idea?

Are you running 1.9.9 or 1.9.9-1?  If the former please upgrade and see if that helps.

It's actually 1.9.9-1. I attempted to upgrade to the 1.10 developer preview to see if that helped. That ended up being a bit of a disaster.

15 days later

Update: Just upgraded to 1.9.11 and the problem still exists.Also, tried to upgrade to the 1.10rc1(from 1.9.11) and still having issues. These are the two errors that it emailed to me: Table

'ost_translation' already exists


Duplicate column name 'lang'

So your issue is that IE doesn't let you open tickets.

You have nothing in your error logs. So you upgraded and it still doesn't work and now you are running the beta and getting two errors. Right?

The two errors there are: able 'ost_translation' already existsandDuplicate column name 'lang'.I'd restore from back up to 1.9.x.  1.10 isn't ready to be used in a production environment.  Then I would enable on screen error displays.http://www.tmib.net/osticket-v19x-frequently-asked-questions-faq#2Then I would try again and see if there are any errors displayed.If you want you can also PM @[deleted] or I your site url and we will try to replicate this and see if we see anything differently.

7 months later

Hi All, Just I wanted commented out because I'm using 1.9.5 some times I'm getting above mentioned issue, when it occurs I just logged out and re-login to the system then its working fine but this is not happening time to time. I'm using Firefox 44.0.2  I've enabled the error logInvalid CSRF Token __CSRFToken__Invalid CSRF token on http://helpdesk.cargillsceylon.com/support/scp/ajax.php/draft/9151

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