Hello All,I have updated from 1.9.4 to 1.9.6 to, and I have not had the LDAP plugin function since the first upgrade. The OSTicket server does not show up on either of my DCs when I run netstat. Firewall isn't a problem as I have tried with it disabled on both ends. I am wondering if it is something I did with the upgrade or if it is something with the plugin. Any help and guidance for troubleshooting would be most appreciated.Thanks

LDAP is used by osticket to pull user information from AD for authentication/user creation, not to provide osticket server presence in ADyou have to install LDAP plugin, enable it and point it to your DC.  All fields inside LDAP plugin configuration are very self explanatory.can you provide screenshot of your LDAP plugin configuration?

I can give you summary of how I have each setting configured.Domain: using domain including top level suffixDNS: IP of one DNS serverLDAP: IP of two DCsTLS is uncheckedSearch User is set to the Domain Admin (to bypass access rights, but is normally a different search user)Pwd: setSearch Base: "OU=,DC=,DC=com"LDAP Schema: M$ ADBoth Staff and Client Authentication are checked.

Is the plugin enabled?

Do you see anything in the logs that the requests from osTicket to Ldap server are going thru?

What version of the plugin are you using? Did you update the plugin when you updated osTicket?

The plugin was not upgraded, so I did that.  It is now enabled and configured properly, but still does not work. Which side are you referring to when looking for logs, logs with AD or logs with OSTicket? 

php error log on osticket side.Also in osticket admin panel, go to "Agents", and click on "Add new Agent"Double check that "Active Directory or LDAP" is available as an option at "Authentication Backend" section.Is it there? if Yes, Then...Start typing AD user name in "Username" filed.What happened?Also please check that ldap is enabled in php.ini file.  LDAP in osticket will not work without it.

There are no PHP errors since I initially configured the HelpDesk Server. LDAP is enabled in php.ini as well.When I add an agent, LDAP authentication is available. When I enter a username, nothing happens (I previously had results show up to select a username from AD).

I should also clarify that I actually have been using AD authentication for my account to access OSTicket. I didn't actually think about that being part of the system I am having problems with. The problem specifically exists with searching AD for usernames so I can add users to the helpdesk.  I apologize for being so thick.

Have you checked your AD server logs?

I have not found any logs on the servers relating to the server or any of the accounts I have used to LDAP Bind. I used the event viewer to look up 4624 IDs. Is there a better place to look for relevant information?OSTicket does bind to the servers. Like I said, I have been using LDAP Authentication to log in with my AD account.

I have some additional thoughts and information about the upgrades I performed. When I upgraded both times, I was not able to run through the upgrade wizard as it did not come up like the Wiki says it should. I attributed that issue to the fact that I was upgrading within versions of 1.9.x. Should the upgrade wizard have run?

There were no database changes between 1.9.4 to 1.9.8.x.  So the upgrader doesn't trigger because there is nothing for it to do.

OK. That's what I figured. I think I am isolating the issue to the search function and how that works. 

I was looking around at the Apache Logs. When I type in the "Add User" window, the Apache "access.log" shows "GET" requests like the following: - - "GET /scp/ajax.php/users?q=M HTTP/1.1" 200 135 "http:///scp/users.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv.0) like Gecko" - - "GET /scp/ajax.php/users?q=Mo HTTP/1.1" 200 135 "http://server.domain.com/scp/users.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv.0) like Gecko" - - "GET /scp/ajax.php/users?q=Mol HTTP/1.1" 200 135 "http://server.domain.com/scp/users.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv.0) like Gecko" - - "GET /scp/ajax.php/users?q=Moll HTTP/1.1" 200 135 "http://server.domain.com/scp/users.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv.0) like Gecko" - - "GET /scp/ajax.php/users?q=Molly HTTP/1.1" 200 135 "http://server.domain.com/scp/users.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv.0) like Gecko"So as I type the name "Molly" the server is returning results for that search after each letter, but I don't see any change on the webpage.

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