My prerequisites says I am missing the MySQLi extension for PHP.I went into the php.ini and removed the comment in front of "extension=php_mysql.dll" and "extension=php_mysqli.dll"After restarting IIS it still says its missing. I even went into PHP Extensions in IIS and it shows both as enabled.I have searched all over and still dont have an answer..Any ideas? Thanks


Create a file in your web it: test.phpin the file place the following code:<?php phpinfo(); ?>open the web page and go to your test.php(ie if your site is domain.tld.  You would go to domain.tld/test.php)Is mysqli in the report page?

I must be doing something wrong...


guessing from your screen shot try:localhost/OSTicket/test.php

Yeah I tried that and it gave me the same thing.

This is what I got without .php


does the file reside at" C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OSTicket\test.php"?

Yes it does. You can see it in the picture above.

then it should be accessible using localhost\test.phpMaybe you need to change the ownership of the file?

I figured it out. I had to change some settings in the php manager in IIS (php setup) and now everything shows up with green checks! Appreciate the help though!

Well regardless I'm glad that you are all set.  I'll close this thread.Please start a new thread if you have another question, comment, etc.

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