Hi,I'm on osTicket v1.9.8.1 and I'm just finalising my installation before it is rolled out to the business. I would like clients to be notified when their new ticket is assigned (and who it is assigned to), and also notified when their ticket is closed (with a summary or the last comment).Is this currently an option in the standard build? I can't seem to find a way to set it up, and the emails aren't being sent currently (new ticket and comment emails are). Forgive me if this is something simple that I have completely missed!Thanks

You need to do this via "comment emails".We have a canned response in our company that we send to the user regarding ticket assignment and ticket closure, so the user then knows who is working on his ticket. Unfortunately there is currently no automatism in osTicket to send that info to the user. But sometimes (at least in our company) we don't want users to know who is working on a ticket since the user is then contacting that person abroad of the (os)ticket system and so we tend to use when necessary.The only solution I can think of would be a external script that check for "ticket last updated" and "who is assigned" and based on that info (read from the osTicket database) sends an email to the end user.Cheers,Michael

"and also notified when their ticket is closed (with a summary or the last comment)."There is no ticket closure notification.Like Chefkeks we use our last update when we close the ticket to do this.We also use canned responses.

Okay, I'll have a look at using canned responses for this.Thanks for your help!Sam

I've made a few canned responses, and thats exactly what i want!Thanks a lot guys!Sam

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