I am trying to upload my contacts using a CSV file but

continue to get the same error. I have 7 variables defined in the user

information form. In the CSV file I have appropriately organized my data according to the prompted category headers as: "Name,Email,Telefonnummer,Mobiltelefon,Abteilung,Position,Notizen”


when I try to upload the file, it says, "Bad data. Expected: Full Name, Email Address". When I just have those 2 items then it is able to

upload successfully. Why is it not accepting my other data points?!

v1.9.6  Thanks in advance!Note: edited by moderator to remove microsoft html markup (ntozier)

I do not beleive that you can update your userdata with the import feature.You can import them initially but cannot update them. (I could be wrong this could have changed since I last played with it, but I doubt it).I'm willing to bet that your problem is:Telefonnummer,Mobiltelefon,Abteilung,Position,NotizenAre those listed on the Upload tab?

Thanks for the response.I am not trying to update the userdata, this is a first time upload. And yes they are listed on the upload tab. Here is the screenshot along with the error message.blankblank



Even though I had never used the csv import (since we use SSO for osTicket) I would think that you should may check:What delimiter ( , or ; or etc.) do you use in your csv file? (Maybe try a different one?!)Are the column headers (Name, Email, telefonnummer, etc.) present in the first row of the csv?Also make sure that the user are not existing already since I guess then an error will also occur and the users will not or only partly imported to osTicket.

We upgraded today to the latest version v1.9.8 and now it works perfectly. I'm still not sure what the problem was but it is fixed now seeing as I made no changes to the CSV file. Maybe a bug with the older version. Thanks for the input :)And I used a comma as delimiter which seems to be good now so I will stick with it. 

Great!I'll close this thread and mark it resolved.  Please feel free to start a new thread if you have another question, comment, etc.

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