Forgive me, if this has already been answered to the fullest extent, but I was unable to find a definitive answer when searching.During a User import via CSV, is it possible to auto-assign a User to an Organization?On the import dialog, it refers to "", for adding additional fields, but modifying this form will not associate users to a previously-defined Organization.Since I'm mass importing hundreds of Users, it seems cumbersome to have to "".-------  CSV Template  -------Email,Name,Phone Number,Internal,Test User,2125551234X6789,-------  My Info  -------osTicket Version: v1.9.7 (4be5782)Web Server Software: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)MySQL Version: 5.5.43PHP Version: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9

I'm not aware of anyway to automate adding to an organization at this time,.

7 days later

Although it was not what I was initially asking or intending to do, I was able to accomplish what I needed, by separating my CSV file into mulitiple files, by organization.Once my users were in separate CSV files, I was able to import them at ".  Importing users in this specific location, will automatically add them to the chosen organization.Hopefully, this will aid someone else in my same situation.This conversation may be closed and marked as resolved.  Thanks.

Hey now that's a good idea!Thanks for posting your solution here for others.I'll mark this as resolved and close it.  Please feel free to start a new thread if you have another question, commend, suggestion, etc.

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